Eclipse Will Not Be the AppWiki IDE
I have just browsed through the presentations in the recent EclipseCon 2005. I am ever more convinced this is not the way to go in general for Internet applications. The same reasons apply. Eclipse will be limited to applications for the techies. For us, I think our application will be layered like:
- At the bottom are the Java components exposed as jar files, configuration files (properties or XML).
- On top of which are views exposed in Eclipse to these components so that you can easily develop the components, configure them, change their aspects, compose more complex components, etc.
- On top of which is really the user-facing IDE: the AppWiki environment. Our users don't need to know Eclipse. They go to this one site to build, compose, integrate, test, deploy, run and potentially collect their revenue. The dev, stage, prod environments are one and the same (with some isolation). The IDE and the application are one and the same, too.